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Delivery reasonable price trend is rising

AddTime:2015-09-30 09:42:19   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

"Double 11" on the eve of every year, always heard of express company raised the Courier fee. The same is true for this year. Recently, a "three links", immortal huitong, daily express and other six express company announced an increase Courier delivery fee. This is considered to be a Courier company raised the prelude to a Courier fees.
Compared with previous years, the price of two different: one is that higher Courier delivery fee, indirect rise could trigger a Courier fee. Second, many participants, including six of the top 10 domestic express delivery company. Previously, individual express company announced a price increase, the responder.
In recent years, rising costs, express profit margins shrinking. And Courier companies are wary of rise in price, because of the serious homogeneity of service products, in the absence of obvious improve service quality, improve the express fee equal to let the Courier company to build a gifted "jiangshan". In the long run, express companies must jump out of the homogeneity competition, differentiated competition route, which is the basis of increase Courier service charge.
In "yellow price, no price increases to die" circle of express companies, instead of doing nothing to passive "die", better by, take the initiative to find a way to break. However, the timing of the option price is critical.
"Double 11" is the increase in the price of a good window period.
First of all, in general, only when the products or services in short supply, consumers are easier to accept price behavior of the enterprise. Pricing, the Courier company to choose express season, on the one hand, intensive electric business promotion to express the company's business purposes; On the other hand, improve the delivery fee to Courier fees rise, have the effect of price lever, suppresses the part of the price sensitive demand, conducive to alleviate the operating pressure of express company and ensure express delivery service quality.
Second, the Courier company for "double 11", in order to cope with the surge in traffic, will recruit the number of the Courier. Under the condition of the line express staff shortage, improve the welfare of express companies, in a bidding war. From this perspective, to improve the express delivery fees, ease the tight express enterprise season recruitment, conducive to the Courier company guarantee the service quality of the season.
Moreover, as for other Courier companies will "the poacher," take a part of the concerns of the market share, don't have to. One is that the express delivery service at a low level, there is almost no further cut the likely vice is vicious competition. Second, the six of the top 10 domestic express company, for the most part occupy the domestic market share. Three is that consumers choose delivery service, in addition to price, more and more attention on the service quality and ability. Relative to the delivery, small and medium enterprises, large scale national network express company, service ability and service quality can get more customers.
Courier service product price, of course, one size fits all go up to go up is not desirable, need to build on the steps of the reasonable product differentiation, both meet the demand of low-end express product at a lower price, also have meet the demand of higher level, the high price or higher value-added service products.

